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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lava Cake

Molten chocolate cake, popularly known as lava cake, is a classic French dessert that literally melts in your mouth! This unique dessert consists of an outer shell that is similar to chocolate cake and a center filled with melted chocolate that oozes out when the delicate enclosure is broken. After trying it for the first time this weekend, I decided to blog about it and share one of the simplest way to create this dessert at home.

The preparation time for the dessert is about 15 minutes and the cooking time is 10 minutes. These ingredients listed yield about 4 servings.


6 oz. Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate (or use your favorite 70% dark chocolate bar)
6 oz. Butter (diced, room temperature)
3 Eggs
1/2 cup Granulated Sugar
1/3 cup Flour
Butter for Ramekins

How to Make It:

1. Preheat oven to 350°F
2. Melt chocolate on low flame in a double boiler or in bowl the microwave
3. Add in diced butter and stir until it all melts
4. In another bowl, beat eggs and sugar, until it starts to whiten
5. Stir in melted chocolate, then add the flour
6. Butter 4 individual ramekins (butter the bottoms first, then the sides, wiping from the bottom up to the top. This helps the chocolate rise even more)
7. Pour in chocolate batter
8. Cook for about 10 minutes (cook longer if you prefer a less liquid center)
9. Tip ramekins upside down onto dessert plates and serve

After your chocolate lava cake is cooked to your preference, you can serve it with Crème Anglaise (English Cream), Coulis aux Framboises (Raspberry Sauce), or a pinch of powdered sugar on top.

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